Flying,  Travel Tips

Things to Do When Your Flight is Delayed

I’ve spent quite some time waiting long hours for flights. Most of the time, I was flying standby and flights were full. It never really bothered me before because I wasn’t paying for the flight. Once I started flying as a paying passenger, I’ve had a few occasions with delayed flights, and it’s no fun at all. I could understand why people would get frustrated. But I guess I spent so much time as a non-paying passenger…seen so many causes of delays…that I got used to the long hours at the airport. 

I get it. It can be extremely frustrating. You’re angry, and you just want to go home or just get to your travel destination. Even more so because you spent money and were hoping that your travel plans would go as smoothly as possible.

So I hope the following list of things to do when your flight is delayed will help!

(Note: This information is more for minor delays caused by weather, plane changes, flight crew changes, minor plane repair…nothing severe like what happened in Dec 2022 to a certain airline…)

Walk Around the Airport

This is probably my favorite activity to do to keep busy during a delayed flight. Not only do you get your steps in, but walking around can really help the restlessness. It’s also really healthy for you – sitting on a plane or at an airport is not really great for you, anyway. 

Walking also gives you a better idea of the airport layout, so if you fly through there next time, you know where to go. Just be careful and don’t exit past security accidentally! It’s very easy to do this if the airport is small, so be aware! 

Read a Book

I hope you bring something to read while waiting. It’s the easiest thing to do to pass a lot of time. If at all possible, bring a book that is meant for ‘fun reading’. Think fiction/fantasy/romance. Or a memoir from someone who inspires you. I say this because I love to collect reference books or professional growth books, but it can be challenging to focus on absorbing that information. I’m not saying it can’t be done…but say you’re in a very important chapter about web design code. And your flight is about to board in 45 minutes. If you’re okay with that, then by all means, you do you. But I’d hate for you to have to stop right in the middle of a chapter like that. 

Grab a Drink/Snack/Meal

Most terminals have a bar where you can sit and watch TV. When you have plenty of time to spare, sitting down to grab a drink or snack can really help you decompress. Being at an airport is already stressful. Having a flight delayed on top of that is even worse. When you sit down and zone out to watch TV, it’s like everything shuts down and your body goes into zone out mode. 

Personally, I love being in an airport, so I like to people watch while enjoying a meal. I usually try to sit somewhere by a window or sit by the edge of the restaurant so I can watch travelers hurry by.

If you’d rather not go to a sit down restaurant/bar, then feel free to grab something from the market or the coffee stand. It gets your feet moving and you get a chance to eat something that is healthier and will taste better than airplane food.

Do Your Favorite Hobby

I used to bring a sketchbook – especially for international flights. I used to draw a lot as a teenager. Whatever current or old hobby you enjoy, I encourage you to do it while waiting. I once sat in the gate area across a woman in the middle of making a knit beret for her sister. Her knitting needles were just under airline regulations and were not considered as a weapon, so she would bring at least 3 balls of yarn, her needles and go at it. So definitely check with your airline what you can and cannot bring!

Lately, I’ve been interested in coloring books using colored pencils. It’s very soothing to focus on a mindless task such as coloring. Meditation coloring books, floral patterns, landscapes…all are great options! I find colored pencils to be the least messy and there’s less risk of staining your own clothing or bags. 

Browse the Shops

Before a flight begins its boarding call…and depending on the length of the flight…hubby usually stops at one of the airport shops to buy magazines. Graphic design trends…video game design…I think one time he even got me one about clothing and etiquette in Bridgerton…

Anyway, you never know what kind of essentials you might need from the airport shops. It also helps with the boredom – feel free to go through the entire shop and look at all the souvenir t-shirts, mugs, magazines…you might find something that would be a fun souvenir for someone back home.

I will say that some airports have better shops than others…some airports are so small that the shops only contain travel toiletries, a handful of magazines, t-shirts and mugs. Some international terminals can be like mini shopping malls with designer brands. So have fun exploring those!

Take a Nap

Please don’t do this if you’re traveling by yourself. But it’s definitely okay to do this with family or friends you trust. It’s better if you go to a part of the terminal that’s more isolated, that won’t have too many flights. This way you can stretch out and take up as much space as you need and you don’t have to worry about keeping an eagle eye on your luggage. (By all means, keep your luggage nearby and within sight…but it doesn’t have to be attached to your hand…)

Set an alarm and take a snooze while your traveling companion uses the time to read or play on their phone. But try not to nap longer than 20 minutes…anything more you’ll most likely feel groggy and even more tired…

So those are my recommendations for things to do when your flight is delayed. Thoughts? What do you like to do to keep busy?