
  • Main square Munich Christmas Markets
    Activities,  Sights

    Munich Christmas Markets

    I’ve heard so many great things about Christmas markets in Europe, that when the opportunity came to go to one, I couldn’t pass it up. I’ve never been to Germany, and I was really looking forward to going to the…

  • Activities,  Fitness

    Kilauea Iki Trail Hike

    Have you ever wanted to hike on a dried lava lake next to a volcano? Is that even possible? Would it surprise you to know that it’s not only possible, but you can easily access it 24 hours a day?…

  • Activities,  Fitness

    Pipiwai Trail Hike

    My sister really loves hiking in nature. She’s even got a national park pass so she can go to any park in the USA. When she goes on vacation, nine times out of ten she’ll go to a place where…

  • Princess5kESPNWWS
    Activities,  Fitness

    Disney Races – Are They Worth It?

    It’s that time of the year! New year, that is. New year, new you. New year, new resolutions. Personally, I prefer to use the word ‘intentions’. Maybe it’s because so many make resolutions that don’t follow through. But an intention…seems…