

Eeek! I am now officially a ‘content creator’! I’m so excited to start blogging and it’s taken me a long way to get here.

During my day job, I’m actually a technical writer. I literally write ‘how to do’ stuff. It’s a career path that came to me unexpectedly, and I’ve been grateful for the opportunity. It allowed me to pursue something I never imagined, especially when I had reached a crossroad in my career. Of course, no one says you have to use your degree in your career. I honestly didn’t know what else to do with my Art/Graphic Design degree. I was getting burnt out and I wasn’t sure what to do next. Luckily, a chance came for me to use the skills I had as a designer but focus more on the writing side.

After finding a career in writing, I thought why not channel that into a fun and creative outlet? Of course, I couldn’t do this without the encouragement of family and friends…and you will see some of them making appearances here and there throughout my blog (and possibly videos)!

So here it is, the fruits of my labor for the past few months! It isn’t much yet, so I humbly ask for your patience as I find my voice and make tweaks on the site. I plan to add more content on a weekly basis. I want this to be a place of positivity and support, and I hope to share many happy landings with you in the future!

Aerial view of Seattle from inside an airplane